OH BOY this #Doll story prompt... I thought I'd play a doll in a #RozenMaiden esque setting... !
but let's cover the outfit details first:
I pulled out one of my very first #Lolitafashion dresses! Metamorphose Temps de Fille Blooming Garden JSK and Bonnet It's a piece that's very dear to me and over all the years I haven't worn it more than once! I even ended up drawing it many moons ago haha..

And let's add some pictures from 2014!

ah, memories!
Sorry for the derailment! The blouse is by Metamorphose as well! The floral corsage and brooch is made by me ainiwaffles ~ you can get your own Astrologians Crest: Large Constellation Embroidery Rosette Pin Clip over on my Etsy or The Lolita Collective! Finally, the ring is one of my absolute favorites, by @twinkle_etoile_
Oh and the wig is from Amazon: aiyaya Long Curly Wig - Natural Synthetic Hair Lolita Wigs! Aiyaya is an Alice Holic Taobao reseller which is great - looks like that blonde is currently sold out but the style is the same for the other colors!
Before we dive into the stream summary, I wanted to mention that I figured out a way to use my iPhone as camera and the quality improvement is a difference of day and night! It can even do chroma keying, exciting! I also set up my stream through Streamlabs instead of Twitch Studio now, so it looks and feels much nicer overall!

much better!

Ok let's dive into the #AIDungeon story summary!
AIDungeon, I'm a doll... that needs an owner?
I, a doll, find myself in a chest being shipped to my new owner! Naturally I FORGOT TO TURN OFF NSFW AND SHIT HITS THE FAN RIGHT AWAY, but I had none of that and edited that OUT! Turns out the AI INSISTS on throwing more creeps my way but after taking the reigns forcefully I manage to calm it and my new owner is the most wholesome guy I've ever met. The sweetness is quickly interrupted when a young man with some type of hellhound (inserted into the story through a Twitch bit donation) shows up trying to kidnap me! We manage to escape temporarily but the man reappears and tosses me into his car. I make the drive a living hell for him until he pulls over where I make for another escape attempt. In the end my kidnapper and I gaze at the stars as he reveals his name to me...
What a ride!
You can watch the full stream on my Youtube Channel!

TFW the AI does WEIRD stuff to dolls
Instead of story log highlights I present you with some Stream highlight clips!
NO!!! BAD AI!!!
TFW when you need to read the TEXT before you read it OUT!
Also never forget to toggle the NSFW option before stream...
Being a doll is cursed
The doll prompt causes AIDungeon to bombard me with a whole rainbow of BAD.

Play AIDUNGEON over at www.aidungeon.io (and support them so it can become the skynet it deserves to be!)
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