I haven’t really dressed up in #lolitafashion recently so when I went for a small doodle meet I took the chance to put together a comfy #otome coordinate! I didn’t get any pictures of me wearing it because I‘m a clutz, so I’m improvising!
Beret: Vivienne Westwood ベレー 帽子 ORB刺繍 バスクベレー ベレー帽
Netting hair accessory: Vintage
Cat Brooch: @mosscat25
Blouse: Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Jsk: Juliette et Justine Les Champinions Robe (JSK) レ シャンピニオン ローブ
Floral Feather Corsage: @ainiwaffles
Socks: Juliette et Justine Les Champinions Chausettes - レ シャンピニオン ショセット
And of course cat butt: Rage
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